Slow-mo Tille Flight!
Tillie takes to the skies once more on an epic adventure to go and source fresh banana from the kitchen area! Safe travels Tillie!
Tillie takes to the skies once more on an epic adventure to go and source fresh banana from the kitchen area! Safe travels Tillie!
Tillie takes off in spectacular style, shooting for the stars as always! Will she make it? Only time will tell!
Why go for the buffalo or sheep when you can go at the face of another bird-person! Straight for the face, after this the poor person on the receiving end looked like they were making lasagna and the lasagna exploded in the microwave onto their face! Conures are the cutest killing machines.
I feel sorry for whatever is on the receiving end of that little eagle dive! Probably a large sheep or buffalo just got taken away from afternoon tea. Wait till we get to dinner!
Chip goes into deep thinking mode, questioning his existence and the meaning of all life. What is my purpose? Chirrrrp! Then again, could just be a lockup in bird.exe. Hang on, I’ll reset the bird-puter!
Chip goes on an adventure, pooping! Poor little bird must have lost half his weight in poop! Stay strong Chip!
Some stand on the shoulders of giants. Chip prefers to stand in the freshly laid poop of Tillie… Come on Chip, you knew that was there!
“Now I am become
DeathBird, the destroyer ofworldspears.” – J. Robert Oppenheimer
Pears are finally in season and Tillie doesn’t seem to mind them. Chip won’t have any of it though. Maybe Chip will warm up to them if Tillie stops dropping them all to the ground for “later”.
An excerpt from “Banana from a Bowl!”, “Sing Like a Trumpet!” has an amazing range of vocals, a fantastic backing track and a beat the entire family can love for years to come.
We’ve worked it out, banana fro a bowl will be a smash hit with the kids! We’ll go right up the charts and sit happily at #1 for 70 weeks!