Author: Sprinkles

For Sale: Two Birdies

For Sale: Two Birdies

This is the advertisement to help Tillie and Chip find their new forever home. ? ❤️ ?

Reason for Selling
The powers that be, our landlords, have told us our birds have to go, and as a result it is with great sorrow that we must sell on these beautiful green-cheeked conures, Chip and Tillie. They are being sold as a pair as Tillie became quite distressed when her brother, Pudge, was sold in May 2018 and left her to go to his forever home. We did this to avoid any risk of inbreeding as we wanted to keep the option for baby birds open in the distant future. Sadly, we will not have that chance now as circumstances out of our control are forcing them from our hands.

So we are looking for a new forever home for Chip and Tillie with ideally a family who can show them the love and attention they deserve. We have also been starting to spend more time away from them each day due to university study. The only saving grace is that being a pair they always have each other when we aren’t around. That said, they do really enjoy human company and don’t mind the radio or some TV on if you’re away from home.

We want to ensure they find a home that can support them. The last thing we want is for someone to buy these two and then not be able to buy them the pellets or fresh fruit and vegetables they love each day. I finally understand why sellers of baby birds are so protective and screen potential homes so aggressively now. These two have definitely had a massive positive impact on our lives and it pains us to have to let them go. We’ve enjoyed keeping them company over the past year. Would we do it all again? Absolutely.

Tillie – Likely Female
Tillie is a “normal” green-cheeked conure, weighing in at around 64g on a normal day. Tillie entered our care on the 1st January 2018. Tillie can bite when playful, and it can hurt a little, but she seems to give plenty of warning and hasn’t drawn any blood from her bites.

Chip – Likely Male
Chip is a cinnamon green-cheeked conure. He is slightly smaller than Tillie weighing in at ~57g. We came home with Chip almost a month later than Tillie and Pudge, the 3rd February 2018. Chip can get a little territorial and protective of Tillie. When this happens, steer clear and you’ll avoid a bite. His bites are usually sharp, but if you learn his behaviour, you can avoid them and blood being drawn!. Most likely due to hormones given the younger age (and presumed gender). He will likely cool down after his second birthday in about a year.

Banana, blueberries, strawberry, apple, diced beans (fresh, not frozen), corn (cob and frozen), carrot (not frozen) pellets (included in the sale), seeds (as a treat for when out of their cage, peanuts (Tillie), almonds (Chip), millet, dried pine cones (not technically food). If changing their diet from the existing pellets or a change of brand it is recommended to introduce this slowly over several weeks. They love soggy pellets as a treat. Be warned, lots of fruit ensures runny poops. Stick to veggies and pellets.

Tillie likes to jump into the sink on a white dinner plate to have a bath (two dinner plates will be provided), however, Chip prefers to bathe on the kitchen bench in the same style plate. Tillie will sometimes boss Chip out of the way and Chip is a little slow and clumsy when having a bath, but adorable to watch. Tillie is much more straight to the point, a lean green washing machine.
Flight – They’ve currently got their wings fully grown in and are capable of flight. When possible we have been letting them fly around 2-3 times a day to get a little bit of exercise in their busy bird schedules.

Chip does not seem to mind being separated from Tillie, but Tillie does not like being separated from Chip. She can get panicked when Chip is not in sight or chirping distance. They also do not like things like curtain rods and plastic pink water bottles, why? We have no idea!

Available 17/02/2019.

Edit: They went off to their new forever home on 2019-03-20 with Kathy and her daughter. Farewell Chirpies! ? ❤️ ?

Tillie Talk Training! Round 2! Fight!

Tillie Talk Training! Round 2! Fight!

Tillie is relentlessly training up to be the ultimate Chip greeter! She breaks out of the cage with Chip mid-video only to be recaptured by the Hello Chip, chirp, chirp police who escort her home safely.

Secret Agent Car Alarm!

Secret Agent Car Alarm!

As we adjust to our hideaway cage we go a little car alarm crazy. Editing bird videos made us think there were more birds in the house we had to call out to in order for them to find us. Little did we know it was just a video recording of us earlier today! These loud noises are pretty much as bad as we get! In the end we check for ourselves and realise there are no other birds here – except us!